
Cinco de Maio (Or However the F*ck You Spell It)

I am now convinced that the "Mexican celebration of independence" is actually a cruel joke perpetrated by the Colombians. You heard this wookie right - The Colombians. Think about it: You to stay up late on a school night, then when you have to drag your sorriness to work and the only thing that will get you through May 6th is your double mocha frappe-latte-latte. (EDITORIAL: This wookie tries his damnedest to purchase and drink fair trade coffee)

Thank The Big Wookie In The Sky that Southern Culture was out of Herrrrrradurrrrrra.

5 o'clock. Time to start getting rid of that hangover the only way that really works.

FYI - Yesterday was 05/05/05 Sweeet!

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