Listen - I know. You're worried you've stumbled onto the journal of yet another hopeless 'Skins fan; a man whose love of team has created in him such a disconnect from reality that only his disbelief at experts' predictions of yet another double-digit loss season is real.
I am that man. (What? Would you rather stumble upon the journal of a guy who wants to know if you'll help him get something into his van or whether you're a size 6? That's f*cking weird. Who thinks of things like that?)
And it's not just quotes like the following that give me my great faith. It's the fact that quotes like the following came out on the first day of camp:
"(Greatest-NFL-Free-Safety-of-All-Times-To-Be Sean Taylor) shouldn't be worried. They knocked everybody else's trial back, so why would they make him come in September?" Portis said. "They put Michael Jackson's trial back, and he ain't got a concert anytime soon."
F*ckin' genius. We're goin' 16-0. Who wants the odds?
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