Normally, one could expect a post with a title like this to have links to really fun pictures that feature lots of really fun people holding Solo cups and leaning a various angles in an attempt to fill the frame of a really fun picture.
So - remember that picture of the beautiful sunset that I linked to (it's about four posts down)? Well, take that picture, stick your dead great-grandmother's eyeballs into your eye sockets, while filling your mouth with as many Pall Mall's as possible and lighting them simutaneously.
Zero visibility. A mist that dropped the temperature of our surroundings about 10 degrees from the already coldest-of-the-year temps that people on the city floor felt. This, of course, was before the thunderstorm. In October. T-H-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-R-M.
I figure that, at the very least, I paid for a large number of recent menial sins and maybe a couple outstanding larger ones as well.
To those who came - hope you enjoyed yourselves.
To those who didn't - ha ha. We came.
RIP Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks died yesterday.
I listened to an interview with her today on NPR and for the first time since I was in school, studying her era of American history did I hear the phrase "passive non-violent resistance". Where is the Palestinian Rosa Parks? Where is Africa's Rosa Parks?
Helps me remeber that even when repressed in the 1950's Jim Crow American South, the basic rights granted to (and soon after Ms. Parks, protected for) every American citizen are the greatest in the world. Also helps that the American people (sometimes only after being forced to listen like we were in time-out, over the course of decades and generations) will stand against prejudice, for their fellow countrymen.
RIP Rosa Parks.
God bless America.
I listened to an interview with her today on NPR and for the first time since I was in school, studying her era of American history did I hear the phrase "passive non-violent resistance". Where is the Palestinian Rosa Parks? Where is Africa's Rosa Parks?
Helps me remeber that even when repressed in the 1950's Jim Crow American South, the basic rights granted to (and soon after Ms. Parks, protected for) every American citizen are the greatest in the world. Also helps that the American people (sometimes only after being forced to listen like we were in time-out, over the course of decades and generations) will stand against prejudice, for their fellow countrymen.
RIP Rosa Parks.
God bless America.
A Haiku for Any and All Venturing to Carter's Mountain on Friday Night for the Katie Holmes Baby Shower Party
For those heading up,
I have just three words for you:
Asian dance party.
Click here for an idea of the landscape.
Click here for my idea of an Asian dance party.
I have just three words for you:
Asian dance party.
Click here for an idea of the landscape.
Click here for my idea of an Asian dance party.
Thanks to Vice King for the tip about Chewbacca (my cousin, different spelling) becoming a naturalized US citizen. His email to also included a funny bit about a wookie running for president:
Reporter: So, Mr. Chewbacca - what is your stance on abortion?
Wookie: rrrrrrrr
Reporter: about foreign policy?
Wookie: (rips arms directly off reporter's shoulders and begins to bludgen reporter with them)
Good bit, but we all know it to be completely preposterous.
You must be a native born wookie to become President of the United States.
The Nice Jenkins will be playing tonight in Charlottesville at The Mellow Mushroom. Be there.
Reporter: So, Mr. Chewbacca - what is your stance on abortion?
Wookie: rrrrrrrr
Reporter: about foreign policy?
Wookie: (rips arms directly off reporter's shoulders and begins to bludgen reporter with them)
Good bit, but we all know it to be completely preposterous.
You must be a native born wookie to become President of the United States.
The Nice Jenkins will be playing tonight in Charlottesville at The Mellow Mushroom. Be there.
Mas Brunch
On Sunday, I dined with three esteemed colleagues at the hottest ticket in town: Mas brunch.
For those of you not invited to either this or last Sunday's trial runs, well, I guess this is for you, as it was easier to invite one wookie than any combination of the multiple thousands of his daily readers. Or, unlike said literary juggernaut, you haven't spent half of an African protectorate GNP on dinner and cocktails at said establishment.
Just as Sunday was a "soft" opening, the following review of the brunch will be "soft" as well. And not in the "it was free and I was excited to be invited" sense. Since the food was free (the prices weren't even written on our menus), and there was no "Eggs Benedicto", I am unable to rate the restaurant on said quality and hence, I can not complete the "overall" category as well.
Which reminds me - the review. HOLY SH*T the oysters were good. Left untouched by two of our foursome for fear of "eating things that taste good", Dr. Eramicus von Slantensberg and I attacked the half-shelled gems. Basking in a tarragon-infused vinagres (sp?), they could have contained little spikes that shredded my internal vitals on their descent and I still would have made an effort to finish them.
NOTE: Mas's brunch menu, like it's dinner menu is in Spanish and all of the dishes have very long names. This is fine for tapas, where you mark the menu in the appropriate space, but when you have to, at brunch, tell the waitress what you want, you will embarrass yourself. I promise.
Didn't try the scone, but it looked pretty darn good. The biscuits and gravy looked excellent, but the pork was of too lean a hog to render a truly eat-it-'til-ya-die-then-eat-at-it-sum'more gravy...the true je ne sais quoi of the discipline.
The bloody marys were unremarkable. SKYY or Absolut is the rail, and while presented nicely with a full celery stalk in a juice glass, there was no need to get fall-down pissed simply to keep the taste in my mouth.
I had the salmon bocadillo (?) which was a little sandwich with goat cheese and spinach and it was excellent. Very light, which for me is a refreshing rarity on Sunday mornings. The hangar steak is server rare. Not medium rare, not rare-ish: cold-in-the-middle, that-thing-is-still-moo'ing, purple rare. I'd tell you how it tasted, but I wasn't offered a bite before it was slurped away. The french toast with fresh apricots and heavy cream were good, but creamier than they were sweeter, and it was no surprise that they sat largely untouched on my associate's plate.
I had a double espresso that kept me up all afternoon and never once gave me the jitters. Seriously - 5 of 5 on that sh*t.
Our server was lovely, and was augmented by anyone who happened to pass us by, which has always been the strong suit of Mas's service credentials. We were allowed to smoke inside, and although the AC was surely attempting to counteract the previous evening's devilishness and the music was too loud at almost every juncture, the setting of the meal was plush, and made the experience that much more enjoyable.
The brunch will run from 12 to 5-6 (not sure) and is intended to service the large number of service workers who are the true brunch mavens, but often find themselves timed out of an opportunity to enjoy it. Or too incapacitated to remember their mother's name. And also too incapacitated to not pick up the phone when she calls.
Tipped $40 (4 a piece) because it was free and our waitress was pretty. (You hear that, Carwile? I hope you did...)
Ed. Note - Listen - I am not above trashing a free meal at a restaurant I enjoy going to on a regular basis if it fails me. Or telling the people how wrong I was about a joint after it blows my mind. You hear me dining establishments of Albemarle? Feed me, don't f*ck up, and the world is your oyster.
For those of you not invited to either this or last Sunday's trial runs, well, I guess this is for you, as it was easier to invite one wookie than any combination of the multiple thousands of his daily readers. Or, unlike said literary juggernaut, you haven't spent half of an African protectorate GNP on dinner and cocktails at said establishment.
Just as Sunday was a "soft" opening, the following review of the brunch will be "soft" as well. And not in the "it was free and I was excited to be invited" sense. Since the food was free (the prices weren't even written on our menus), and there was no "Eggs Benedicto", I am unable to rate the restaurant on said quality and hence, I can not complete the "overall" category as well.
Which reminds me - the review. HOLY SH*T the oysters were good. Left untouched by two of our foursome for fear of "eating things that taste good", Dr. Eramicus von Slantensberg and I attacked the half-shelled gems. Basking in a tarragon-infused vinagres (sp?), they could have contained little spikes that shredded my internal vitals on their descent and I still would have made an effort to finish them.
NOTE: Mas's brunch menu, like it's dinner menu is in Spanish and all of the dishes have very long names. This is fine for tapas, where you mark the menu in the appropriate space, but when you have to, at brunch, tell the waitress what you want, you will embarrass yourself. I promise.
Didn't try the scone, but it looked pretty darn good. The biscuits and gravy looked excellent, but the pork was of too lean a hog to render a truly eat-it-'til-ya-die-then-eat-at-it-sum'more gravy...the true je ne sais quoi of the discipline.
The bloody marys were unremarkable. SKYY or Absolut is the rail, and while presented nicely with a full celery stalk in a juice glass, there was no need to get fall-down pissed simply to keep the taste in my mouth.
I had the salmon bocadillo (?) which was a little sandwich with goat cheese and spinach and it was excellent. Very light, which for me is a refreshing rarity on Sunday mornings. The hangar steak is server rare. Not medium rare, not rare-ish: cold-in-the-middle, that-thing-is-still-moo'ing, purple rare. I'd tell you how it tasted, but I wasn't offered a bite before it was slurped away. The french toast with fresh apricots and heavy cream were good, but creamier than they were sweeter, and it was no surprise that they sat largely untouched on my associate's plate.
I had a double espresso that kept me up all afternoon and never once gave me the jitters. Seriously - 5 of 5 on that sh*t.
Our server was lovely, and was augmented by anyone who happened to pass us by, which has always been the strong suit of Mas's service credentials. We were allowed to smoke inside, and although the AC was surely attempting to counteract the previous evening's devilishness and the music was too loud at almost every juncture, the setting of the meal was plush, and made the experience that much more enjoyable.
The brunch will run from 12 to 5-6 (not sure) and is intended to service the large number of service workers who are the true brunch mavens, but often find themselves timed out of an opportunity to enjoy it. Or too incapacitated to remember their mother's name. And also too incapacitated to not pick up the phone when she calls.
Tipped $40 (4 a piece) because it was free and our waitress was pretty. (You hear that, Carwile? I hope you did...)
Ed. Note - Listen - I am not above trashing a free meal at a restaurant I enjoy going to on a regular basis if it fails me. Or telling the people how wrong I was about a joint after it blows my mind. You hear me dining establishments of Albemarle? Feed me, don't f*ck up, and the world is your oyster.
A Very Special Trey's Corner
Went to the Stones concert in Charlottesville. You didn't play with them. Wha happun?
-Allah Akbar (guy who called in the bomb threat)
Dearest Akbar,
Keef threatened to saw my dick off with his guitar pick if I got anywhere near the stage.
Editor's Note About the Post Below
As King of All Wookies, it would be remiss of me not to say that I will be at the Stones concert tomorrow night, fingers crossed, hoping that Trey rocks out.
That's why they're practicing with my bass.
That's why they're practicing with my bass.
Trey's Corner
Are you at all nervous about opening for The Rolling Stones in Charlottesville? There is a large concentration of wookies in that town, and I'm worried that it's a subspecies you may not be familiar with: the has-a-job-and-bathes-(occasionally)-and-really-wishes-you-hadn't-rotted-out-your-brain-and-replaced-it-with-the-notion-that-you-will-have-a-top-40-hit-whatever-that-means-nowadays wookie (wookius-bitterum). How do you think you'll be received?
-Mike, VT.
Dear Mike,
Thanks for the email. Glad to see I've still got some friends up there! Also - I appreciate your concern, but let me tell you - I know a thing or two about Charlottesville! My best friend Dave lives here, and his boss does, too. Actually, his boss is my boss now - kind of like that song, "The More We Work Together" you know? "...The Happier We'll Be..."? No?...rrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRR
F*ck it. I'm going on a bender, I'm going to carve up at least one or two classics on stage with the f*cking Stones, and I don't give a piss about the wookies, believe me, Mike. Have fun up there with Leo trying to tell freshman in Burlington that you were in Phish. I'm going back to the bus to look for...what?...hang on my cell phone just rang... bass player forgot his bass, and it's the day before the gig and we need to practice...anybody got one? Really? Tell that kid Dee, or whatever his name is, that I really appreciate it.
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