Not much there for your average Wookiemaniac, I know, but I had to share this quote from someone named only "Colonel Maxwell":
(Regarding a collapse of Kin Jong Il's government) We might have to mount a relief operation at the same time that we'd be conducting combat ops. If there is anybody in the UN who thinks it will just be a matter of feeding people, they're smoking dope.
You can just picture this guy sitting behind a desk with in a khaki-colored office, which is being cooled only by an rickety fan, the venetian blinds of its one window holding back none of the tropical sunlight behind it, Glenn Miller Orchestra playing through a transistor radio, and you feel good that the US Military cyrogenically froze this guy in 1957 and only thaws him out to do interviews about Korea.
1 comment:
Yes, yes, very funny. Cheap shots are so easy. I just came across this blog item while actually RESEARCHING (great activity) North Korean events. Col Maxwell has an actual name and an actual job, both of which were given in the Atlantic article you didn't bother reading in case it interfered with the joke. . He also has a recent life of studying and analyzing North Korea. He knows more about it than almost anyone on Earth.
Check him out, unless you're afraid to learn something. His name is David S. Maxwell. There's an extremely brief bio and list of his recent publications at this link, which you might use as an intro to some actual research to obtain more information than a mere set-up line.
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