
The Future of Music

Well, at least as seen through the eyes of Sysop and Ted Dancing, is Pants, Pants, Pants.
"Their unending list of exploits include a man- sized otter reciting spoken word, vocal parts cell phoned in from a singer in the audience, and a cover of the video for "Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm" by Canada's beloved Crash Test Dummies."
Click on the "media" link at the bottom of their site, and you can sample four tunes off their brand new CD - Pop Songs to Make Us Famous.

Play "Squeeze It" and you will dance.

Play"Hovercraft Traffic Music" and you will remember an old friend, his younger sister, and why you haven't talked to your friend in a while.

Play "Dance" and you will squeeze it.

See your future. Be your future.

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