I just got off the phone with Be-yoogs and it looks like I'm gonna be livin' the dream come Sunday.
The big show. Arizona at home.
What's that you say? At 5'8(1/2)" 167 lbs. I'd be the smallest animal to even play on an offensive line in the National Football League? My lack of any experience on a football field save charging one when my high school team (which I cheered REALLY loud for) won the DC city championship?
Whatever, hippie. I've got fire in my eyes and a stern glance which will strike great fear in the hearts of opposing defenders, some (most) of whom possess genitalia larger than my forearm. Also - Mike Sellers said he'd hook me up with the occasional chip block.
Updates to follow once I reach Redskin Park. One of The Danny's buddies is flying me down after work.