We don't have to go back through his previous statements looking for lies. That's Bill Clinton's deal. When made untrue and super-quailfied statements while under oath, he opened the door to having every statement he had ever made whilst in office scrutinized. But then there was, thusly, a finite amount of scrutinizable material.
Things with Spitz are much worse. Since he did something that we trusted him not to do, even though we never explicitly told him not to do it, without telling us, we can now look back at his tenure in public office and fill in all the gaps with hookers. Where The Spitzter's schedule used to look like this:
9:00AM - Breakfast with community leaders in at Kingston County Courthouse.
11:00AM - Travel back to Albany
one can now reasonably assume it to actually have been this:
9:00AM - Breakfast with community leaders in at Kingston County Courthouse.
9:43-10:58AM - Tawdry sex in exchange for money.
11:00AM - Travel back to Albany
It also is bad for dudes all over because our special lady friends see his wife and think about every time we've been suddenly broke, went on a business trip without explaining every little detail of it, or paid 6 diamond girls to ride it for money.
Thanks, Elliot. You're a real asshole.