"JOIN US" is all under my boy. Signs for him are bright and say "Change" while her's are darker and only have her name legible. I've got an application open for my iPhone, but also a folder titled "For Jesus". But most telling - THERE'S TWO F*CKING PICTURES.
This is where this ridiculous race rests today: It's over. I wanna jump on top of the pile, too.
Which superdelegate do you think is sitting in at the Superdelegate Club right now, sipping cognac and saying to him/herself, "You know, I just don't think that Barack fella can get elected. I mean, c'mon! He's going up against a 71 year old with a palsy who had half of his face removed a year or so back, claps like a seal and can't get in to a taxi without feeling sharp pains underneath his fingernails. Oh, and who also wants to keep this war going until the robots take over. What we need to beat him back is the most divisive figure in national politics today. A lady that will have every single man in this country who wears a mustache with unironic pride buying bumper stickers that say (LITERALLY!!!) F*CK HILLARY with their rebate checks." - Ed Rendell 3.24.08, speaking to the Philedelphia Inquirer
Hillary has finally been caught in the web of no real foreign policy experience after all, and best of all she's starting to lie about it. Badly.
This is, as David Brooks put it today's NYT, "the audacity of hopelessness."