
Hipster Pictures

One of the reasons I moved to New York with my sights set on Brooklyn was the photography in Vice Magazine. I wanted to see if these people really existed.

It turns out they kind-of do. It's as if a tall and skinny casting bat signal was shone over Metropolitan Avenue by an aging fashion queen. His plan - dress the girls in old clothes and boots that he had been collecting at estate sales and storing in his attic. For the boys - tight shirts and pants, with the latter required to always be falling down.

His plan worked, and so did mine. Knee deep in tattoos and irony, I'm the ultimate unmustached square jogging past you on your way in to Pete's Candy Store.

I haven't read Vice in months (and heard a rumor that it had been sold to a large publishing house completely unsubstantiated source - Anton von Hornsbinoff), likely because I only need walk out my front door and take two rights for a fresh DYI Do & Don'ts pallette. One of my favorite photographers from Vice, Ryan McGinley, is showing a gaggle of naked hipster pictures in SoHo / Chinatown. I will be going to compare notes.

Check it out: http://www.teamgal.com/exhibitions/131