
Scenes from an Asian Dance Party

Normally, one could expect a post with a title like this to have links to really fun pictures that feature lots of really fun people holding Solo cups and leaning a various angles in an attempt to fill the frame of a really fun picture.

So - remember that picture of the beautiful sunset that I linked to (it's about four posts down)? Well, take that picture, stick your dead great-grandmother's eyeballs into your eye sockets, while filling your mouth with as many Pall Mall's as possible and lighting them simutaneously.

Zero visibility. A mist that dropped the temperature of our surroundings about 10 degrees from the already coldest-of-the-year temps that people on the city floor felt. This, of course, was before the thunderstorm. In October. T-H-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-R-M.

I figure that, at the very least, I paid for a large number of recent menial sins and maybe a couple outstanding larger ones as well.

To those who came - hope you enjoyed yourselves.

To those who didn't - ha ha. We came.

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