
Katrina's Wake

The people of Gulf states need help.

I picked up a copy of The Washington Post this morning and held it in shock. I listened to the medical director of a hospital in New Orleans on NPR. He calmly talked about flooded generators leading to the shutdown of peoples' ventilators and the months that will pass before the water left the city.

Water is slowly tearing away the foundation of The Big Easy. Cities like Gulfport Mississippi are gone.

As many people found out after the New Year's Tsunami, there is very little, if nothing, that one can do to directly help the communities affected by disasters like this. Direct aid to charities like The Red Cross are one's most potent weapon.

I've heard numbers in the billions used to describe the dollar amount neccessary for recovery, and those will certainly rise.

To Lousianans and Mississippians - My thoughts, prayers, and condolences. I will watch you rebuild, and I will see you again.

Donations - http://redcross.org
Info on how, what, and what not to donate - http://redcross.org/article/0,1072,0_312_4498,00.html

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