
Make Yours Virginia Wine

Look out, rest of country - if you live in any of the 24 states that ban out-of-state wine importation, The Supreme Court just said that it was cool for you to have Viriginia's finest wines shipped right to your door. Here are some of our best:
  • Veritas Vineyards - Their Othello is a tannat-heavy wine, perfect with a big steak or other slab of red meat
  • King Family Vineyards - Located in beautiful Crozet, their 2003 viogner was one of the few nice wines to emerge from a bad year
  • Jefferson Vineyards - Their Meritage is always tops
There is another winery that sells wonderful wines, made by two very excellent winemakers. However, the owner is know-it-all, carpet-bagging c*cksucker who fired a certain furball without good reason, and will get his. Someday.

And I'd be willing to bet he's killed a hooker or two before, as well.

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