
An Open Letter to the Surviving Members of The Cambodian Midget Fighting League


Let me first express my condolences for your 28 brethren who will not fight another day. They fought valiantly against a savage opponent with beast-like powers and an insatiable taste for blood. Gladly giving their lives so that hordes of screaming peasants could gamble away their family's last few Riels, (and the occasional daughter) the dedication of the fallen members of the CMFL to their sport will forever remain unmatched.

Now, however, is not a time to look towards the past. Or through your bloody wraps, down at the horrible wounds that the great beast caused you. Or in the faces of the laughably incompetent doctors and nurses who are curiously looking at your wounds, wondering what sort of god allows the human body to be ravaged with such little mercy. No!

You must look towards the future. And the future is more Midget Fighters. And more lions.

...Okay, maybe not more lions. But beasts! Remember that, because of his mind and his will, man (or midget) can defeat any adversary. The numbers were what betrayed you, not your funny little fingers, or your disporportionaly large heads. Had there been 43 of you, let alone 44, or even 45(!) who knows how much longer the slaughter may have lasted? The chances of the lion tiring (your chance at destiny!) would be, mathematically, greater.

So I say to you, tiny braves, do not lick your wounds. It will only increase the risk of infection.

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