
Pete on MJ

Remeber how I said that I really liked piling on? Normally I'm able to separate the actions of my heroes from the enforcement of my otherwise airtight morals.

Pete Townshend called Michael Jackson "something of an angel".

Since I know Pete's reading the 'Mania today (it is Friday, after all) I would now like to speak directly to him:

Dude...come on...you wrote Tommy. You wrote Who's Next. I know - you're the sensitive artist, but take a lesson from ol' Rog and grow a pair:

When asked asked Who bass player John Entwistle's death in 2003 - "Ask any man what he would prefer--to live to a ripe old age and die alone or to go out shagging your b-lls off with strippers in Vegas? Come on, let's be honest. It's not a death that any man should be ashamed of."

You used to be one of the most quotable figures in the history of rock and roll, and now you're going to let the stuttering pretty boy out-quote you? Buck up, old man.

Perhaps Pete doesn't have all the facts from the trial...

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